Robert Presents: More True Adventures of Sherlock Holmes & Wine
Robert presents a sequel to his prior presentation, Sherlock Holmes & Wine! This presentation was well received by all who attended.
Robert presents a sequel to his prior presentation, Sherlock Holmes & Wine! This presentation was well received by all who attended.
During our September 2019 meeting, First Pip Brian Clark presented an excellent analysis of our chosen reading, The Adventure of... read more
Please take the time to view Brian’s excellent presentation on Sherlockian Problem Determination. An excellent read! read more
Robert gave an excellent presentation of Wine that was mentioned throughout the Canon, as well as providing us with some... read more
We're back! After meeting virtually for quite some time, we finally managed to find a physical location that could meet... read more
Please take the time to view Brian’s excellent presentation on Holmes vs Brown, a comparison of the men, their methods,... read more
One of our members, Tyler, gave a fascinating presentation titled "Engaging Today’s Youth With the Lures of Mystery: Using Sherlock... read more
The presentation "Sherlock Holmes: Religion and Spirituality in the Victorian Age and in the Canon" was presented by Jane Almquist,... read more
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, JOS decided to host a virtual meeting over Zoom. Around a dozen members attended, and... read more
At our meeting on September 23rd, 2018, Brian presented a wonderful presentation titled "The Anti-Holmes(es): A (mostly) whimsical mental mission... read more
During our meeting on January 27th, 2019, our member Kevin Beard presented a fascinating presentation on the Failures of Sherlock... read more